Sunday, November 27, 2011

[INS-30060] Check for group existence failed in Oracle 11g(Solaris)

[INS-30060] Check for group existence failed.
OS> ls -la /var/tmp/CVU* (Solaris)
OS> chown -R <user>:<group> /var/tmp/CVU_11.2.0.*
OS> rm -rf /var/tmp/CVU_11.2.0.*

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The tp buffer contains old, not completely processed OCS Packages

   Import phase 'CHECK_REQUIREMENTS' (21.09.2011, 10:08:11)
   The tp buffer contains old, not completely processed OCS Packages
   Interrupt the import due to an error situation (21.09.2011, 10:08:12)
   Display detailed informations concerning the error in phase 'CHECK_REQUIREMENTS'
   Abort the import due to an error situation (21.09.2011, 10:08:19)

If you execute
tp showbuffer <sid> pf=<path to transport profile> tag=SPAM
You can either delete these from the buffer if they are old packages that have been imported previously or if the buffer does not contain transports that you need, you could simply reset the current spam queue so it is empty.

Then rename the actual buffer file to OLD_<buffer file name> and create a new buffer in usr/sap/trans/buffer

Go to /usr/sap/trans/buffer
 take backup of buffer (e.g <SID> DEV)
# touch DEV

How to check Oracle trace log in SAP

Go to below path

/oracle/<SID>/saptrace/diag/rdbms/<SID in Small letter>/<SID>/trace/alert_<SID>.log

Monday, September 19, 2011

FCO-00011 The step createOcl10Links with step key |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBan

 ERROR      2011-09-20 07:26:08.555 [iaxxejsbas.cpp:211]
FJS-00003  TypeError: linkTarget has no properties (in script NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind, line 8229: ???)
FCO-00011  The step createOcl10Links with step key |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBan

If you are using oracle 11g RDBMS DVD and Client as 10g we might face error in "Install Oracle client software" phase ,so made a soft link as below mentioned.

cd  /oracle/client/11x_64

ln -s instantclient_11202 instantclient_10204

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unlocking SAP users like(SAP* & DDIC) in DB2

1.Login to db2 using db2<SID> user.

2.db2 connect to SID user sapSID using <password>

Here SID = XYZ Password = 1234
e.g db2 connect to XYZ user sapxyz using 1234

3.db2 select bname,uflag from sapxyz.usr02 where mandt='700' and bname='SAP*'

BNAME                                UFLAG
------------------------------------ ------
SAP*                                  128

  1 record(s) selected.

4.db2 update usr02 set uflag=0 where mandt='700' and bname='SAP*'
  DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

db2 commit

DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

Dispatcher is unable to start(ERROR => ShmProtect(SHM_PROFILE [dpxxprf.c 494])

1. Go to /usr/sap/NBD/DVEBMGS00/work and check the file

2.Check the instance profile by the below command and if any error found  solve the error by solution given in the output of "sappfpar"
Go to /sapmnt/SID/profile
sappfpar check pf=START_DVEBMGS00_HOSTNAME.

3.After solve the errors in instance profile if dispatcher didn't start follow below steps.

ipcs -m

cleanipc 00 remove

Thursday, March 10, 2011

solution for 100% DB server Memory utilisation in AIX servers

If DB server reach 100% memory utilisation we need to set below parametor in AIX through smitty.
AIX Virtual Memory Management(SAP Note : 973227)

#smit TunVmo
Minperm% 3
Maxperm% 90
Maxclient% 90
Lru_file_repage to 0