Sunday, March 20, 2011

Unlocking SAP users like(SAP* & DDIC) in DB2

1.Login to db2 using db2<SID> user.

2.db2 connect to SID user sapSID using <password>

Here SID = XYZ Password = 1234
e.g db2 connect to XYZ user sapxyz using 1234

3.db2 select bname,uflag from sapxyz.usr02 where mandt='700' and bname='SAP*'

BNAME                                UFLAG
------------------------------------ ------
SAP*                                  128

  1 record(s) selected.

4.db2 update usr02 set uflag=0 where mandt='700' and bname='SAP*'
  DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

db2 commit

DB20000I  The SQL command completed successfully.

Dispatcher is unable to start(ERROR => ShmProtect(SHM_PROFILE [dpxxprf.c 494])

1. Go to /usr/sap/NBD/DVEBMGS00/work and check the file

2.Check the instance profile by the below command and if any error found  solve the error by solution given in the output of "sappfpar"
Go to /sapmnt/SID/profile
sappfpar check pf=START_DVEBMGS00_HOSTNAME.

3.After solve the errors in instance profile if dispatcher didn't start follow below steps.

ipcs -m

cleanipc 00 remove

Thursday, March 10, 2011

solution for 100% DB server Memory utilisation in AIX servers

If DB server reach 100% memory utilisation we need to set below parametor in AIX through smitty.
AIX Virtual Memory Management(SAP Note : 973227)

#smit TunVmo
Minperm% 3
Maxperm% 90
Maxclient% 90
Lru_file_repage to 0